Are You Working For Distance Or Distraction?
Humans have done an impeccable job of separating themselves from nature. Our sandcastles of concrete, metal, and enterprise seem larger than life when there isn’t any life. We have cut back and cut into wood and earth until everything is level, everything is sterile. We refer to the wild as animals, forgetting we are also members of the animal kingdom.
Being Impeccable With Your NOW
For the greater part of my adult life, I have played a role built on helping others with enhancing performance. More specifically, helping individuals increase production and income in the job/career portion of their lives. As a society of achievers, we are constantly looking for certifications, course completions, sales competitions, and acknowledgement of doing. So what happens when the results aren’t what you want? When your instant gratification isn’t fulfilled? When you feel like you should be further along in your progress by now?
The paradox of leaderSHIP
Expansion is human nature. To go beyond ourselves and find what is on the other side, human history is filled with stories of romance, tragedy, conquest, and exploration - all in search of what is just out of reach. With our limited physical capacities, humans have turned to tools to enhance our quality of life and expand our possibilities. The greatest of these tools has been the ship. The nautical ship has crossed seas to connect continents, the spaceship has defied gravity to connect our world with our solar system, stewardship has connected purpose beyond ourselves, relationship has connected our soul to another, and leadership has connected who we are in the present to who we are becoming.